Well I don't know about anyone else but each year I say I would like to be better organized this year! Now I do have to say with each year I am getting better at it and in some parts it does stick and has become a "good habit". Mind you it does get easier as the kids get older cause they can take over some of those parts, like helping with the laundry has kept us better organized when it gets done and put away. And I have a folder now that I put the school notices, art work, etc in so that they don't get lost and can easily be found when someone asks, usually Rosie, when certain events are coming up. One of the areas I don't have any control or organized in is my craft room. Now in my defense I do share with my girls, and I am not always in there. Plus it does get neglected a lot due to out of sight out of mind and unfortunately life does get in the way of crafting too. So not to say it is a resolution but more of a life style change that is due I would like to try to keep it a little more in order. I won't say that I want to have it completely organized cause it will never happen like that at first. So maybe if I start off small now that it will soon be kept more organized. Plus as the girls get older it will be easier too. So now that I have rambled on what I wanted to do was repost a blog entry that I found on this blog, www.kreationsbykris.blogspot.com. Kris posted about an article in Scrapbook etc on staying organized. And really after reading it, really it could be used in any room in your house. Hope you enjoy and I am hoping to get some time in my craftroom today so I can get some more thank you cards made. Thanks for looking and hope that everyone is having a great start to their 2012.

How to stay organized...article from Scrapbook Etc.
1. Clean up your space between layouts.
2. Invest in a labeler or create labels using return address
labels. Use the labels to identify where your supplies belong.
3. For digital elements, create a filing system on your
computer. Tag the different files you download so you can easily
search for whatever element you need for a page.
4. Keep your oft-used items close at hand-either in boxes on your work surface-or nearby in a drawer or closet.
5. Purge on a regular basis. It might be hard to let go of some
of those old supplies, but you can donate them to day cares,
preschools, classrooms, or service
organization where they will be used and appreciated.
6. Commit to an organization system for three months. The only
way to learn what works is to experiment. If you commit for a short
period of time, you give yourself
mental permission to like or dislike the system without regret.
7. Determine your top three go-to items and store them together so you won't have to dig through your stash.
8. Dedicate a chunk of time to implement the system for ALL your
supplies. If you only organize 10% of your supplies, you won't reap
the rewards.
I am glad that you have some good ideas about how to organize your craft room. I will be coming home in April and would love to come over and play.
ReplyDeleteI never did receive my Christmas card so thanks for showing it online, but I am looking forward to receiving my thank you card any day now..
Enjoy your day