I know it doesn't make much sense, it normally is TGIF but this week is one of my short weeks where I don't have any kids on the Friday so today is technically my Friday. Now I know I have not checked in since last week and so I need to do some updating. So grab a cup of coffee or tea and settle in this could be a long post.
The Christmas card workshop went really well, had 10 ladies show up. In addition to them making the cards I also sold some of the cards I had made and decided not to use. Then my sister the night before thought if I had made some Christmas tags that they would probably sell since she knew she would want some, lol. So since my little buddy cricut wasn't tired I had him shoot off a few and guess what they did sell, not only cause my supportive wonderful youngers sister bought them, but two of the ladies actually ordered about 10 more. I am almost done them and can give them out by the end of the week. I'll post a picture of those once they are done.
Well weighed in at Weight Watchers and did my first meeting in a long time. And not sure who out there is suffering with their weight too but you will understand when I say it was 45 mins in tears cause it was like watching myself up there speaking about how I felt about loosing weight and the struggle of it. But it has really motivated me to stay on track and believe that I have lost another 2 lbs so far and I don't even weight in till Sunday. So just gotta stay motivated and on track during the weekend and I will be fine.
Alright now for some more crafting news. I do run a daycare and so whenever a holiday is up on us it is always fun to keep the kids busy with crafts. The ages of my kids are 3 and 4 years of age with a 2 year old thrown in for good measures. So it can be challenging to find a craft that everyone is able to do. Think I haven't done too badly so far. We have done a few foam crafts from Michaels, and some colouring too, plus a few that I have found in a magazine. Below are the ones we have done and I will include the supplies we used beside the picture. I hope you have enjoyed this little catch up and I do hope to be able to post the crafts that the kids will do this month. Sorry for the long post and hope everyone is doing well. I appreciate you all for checking in and will catch you back here soon.

These are the tags I made for the Christmas card workshop to sell. They are just made with Recollections paper, some stickles, diamond dust, my xyron adhesive, some Michaels no name brand twine and the Very Merry Tags cricut cartridge.
Here we have a foam oranment from a Michaels foam kit that they sell. It came in package with a few different shapes. So the kids can just use the foam stickers to stick to the image and my oldest daughter helped with the glitter glue. Can't risk 3 year olds running around with glitter. That would be a disaster just waiting to happen, lol. Now do have to say this one was made by the 2 year old with a 10 years old assistance.
Can't catch me I am the gingerbread man!! This is one of the other foam shapes that came in the same kit as the foam tree. Again made by the 2 year old with 10 year olds assistance.
An interesting craft to do with the kids. Not my idea but printed off the holly berries and leaves from my computer from the crayola website. So the kids can colour the leaves and berries while you have your coffee in the morning and then give them a paint brush and some white pva glue and let them go to town painting the glue to a foam circle. My two three year olds loved it. Didn't matter they were painting with paint they liked the idea that they were painting. Were pleased with the having to colour part but the painting and getting sticky made up for it.

Have to say not another one of my ideas but instead got out of a magazine but will make sure to keep it in my Christmas craft files. So this was made with one paper towel roll. Fold and smooth out then cut them into 3/4 inch widths till you have 10 of them. Then with your hold punch, punch a hold on each end of the paper towel roll pieces. Now the fun part the kids can then tread the pipe cleaner, not sure if that is what they are called now? And once they get them all done on one of the holes then tie two more pipe cleaners together and let them do the next set of holes. You may need to trim the pipe cleaners as I found the inside circle ended up being pretty small and then the outside ones will be long too with the length of two. Whatever bits you have left over can be used as the hanger. Hope you have enjoyed and will try to post a few more soon!