Where does the time go?
I am not sure where the summer is getting too. Or even the last week or so. I am hoping to be less busy and slow things down once my holidays start at the end of the month. One thing that I am still making time for which I guess shouldn't be top priority is to keep up with the blogs I follow and youtube
videos. Thanks goodness during the summer everything is repeats, I am not sure how I will juggle the new shows and my youtube
. May have to ask Santa for a PVR
, lol
. Anyways I am getting off topic. I have always like the idea and the look of a a mini album. In fact I have a whole box of chipboard mini albums that I got at the dollar spot in Michaels
to use up once I figure out how and what topic to scrap. Well I think I also have the same problem as many other scrapbookers
have, is that most of my scrapbooks consist of others and nothing about myself. And I have purchased those kits where you are suppose to take a picture of yourself once a month or candid photo and then put my favorite things and or my dreams. Well honestly I never get in front of the camera, cause I am too focused on others and the memories. So while I was blog surfing I found this lovely lady over at, www.pausedreamenjoy.blogspot.com who was making mini albums. And she mentioned doing one where you don't need pictures but only to answer one question about yourself a week. Write the question down and then answer it on a tag or envelope and keep them together in a mini album. What a wonderful idea, I have an excuse to make a mini album! Leaving a little piece of me behind without the stress of what photos to use or don't have. So I am going to try to follow along and write down one question a week and post to you the question plus my mini album page. Here is my first one. The question we had to think about was:
"If you could slow down any part of your day, which part would it be?"
I have used a snail as my decoration on the front to show the slowing down. I know when Janis did hers she used a very cute turtle. Both us of used our cricuts to cut out the images. The cartridge I believe in both cases is Create a Critter as well. My paper is a combination of Stampin Up and the Recollections paper from Michaels. There is also prima flowers on the snails shell, with dollar store rhinestones and googlie eyes. I did like Janis' idea of an envelope to place my answer inside so I have done that but have not as of yet answered the question. I am not sure what answer I want to give. Seeing my girls growing up so fast I would love to have everyday slower so I can truly enjoy my family but then again it is pretty awesome some days getting up early and walking the dog in the quiet and enjoying a hot cup of coffee before anyone is up too. So I may share what answer I choose on a later date but wanted to share the first page in my mini album about me. Also at a later date I will share the covers of this album once I have created them, lol.
Hope everyone has a great day and we will talk soon.

Well I thought but writing everying in italic it would look more like I wrote it but don't like the look at much so I think I will go back to the other font for my next post. Which I think will be coming soon!!