I apologize for my absence. I can't believe it has been two months since my last post. Unfortunately life gets in the way sometimes of my blogging. So much has gone on since I lasted posted. My oldest turned 10, my husband has been traveling, of course the summer cold hit the house, and here we had a postal strike which halted any card swaps I was in. So honestly without much crafting mojo going on here I haven't had much to post.
Today though is a rainy indoor day and figured a good day to check in and deal with a few things that have been neglected since the school holidays have started. Well one of the big things that happened was that Winston, our Cocker Spaniel, had a small accident while we were camping. He jumped down from the lawn chair and into the fire pit. Lucky enough it was only the one foot that got burnt. Has not been a terrible recovery, has gone by fairly quickly. The vet now says that he only needs to keep a sock on to keep it clean and the scabs from ending up all over the carpet. Another few days and he should be able to go without the sock even at least in the house. It amazes me but even from day one Winston has never acted like he was hurt or sore, and has been patiently waiting to be better so he can run after his toys.
Well that is about all that I will bore you with today. But check back tomorrow and I will update you on some of the swap cards I received for the Canadian Card Exchange. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and see you back here tomorrow.
Rubber Hugs,